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Molecular Details
01. General Information
Name Prominin-1
Gene Name PROM1
Gene ID 8842
PROM1, AC133, CD133, CORD12, MCDR2, MSTP061, PROML1, RP41, STGD4
Pathway Map MAP LINK
T.C. Number 9.B.411.1.1
KEGG ID hsa8842
TTD ID T37434
Pfam PF02465; PF03836; PF04108; PF04513; PF04906; PF05478; PF06687; PF06749; PF07611; PF12725; PF16088; PF19827; PF20663
02. Combinatorial Therapeutic Effect(s)
Synergistic Effect
Decreasing Drug Toxicity
Combination Pair ID: 1025
Pair Name Lupeol, Paclitaxel
Phytochemical Name Lupeol
Anticancer drug Name Paclitaxel
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2B66.0] Oral squamous cell carcinoma Investigative
Regulate Info Down-regulation Prominin-1 Expression
Result Our findings elucidated mechanistic underpinning of hypoxia induced Laminin-5γ2 driven VM formation highlighting that Lupeol-Paclitaxel combination may serve as novel therapeutic intervention in perturbation of VM in human OSCC.
Enhancing Drug Efficacy
Combination Pair ID: 31
Pair Name Berbamine, Arcyriaflavin A
Phytochemical Berbamine
Drug Arcyriaflavin A
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2A00] Glioblastoma multiforme Investigative
Regulate Info Down-regulation Prominin-1 Expression
Result Our findings suggest that a novel combination therapy involving berbamine and ArcA could effectively eradicate glioblastoma stem-like cells.
Combination Pair ID: 1033
Pair Name Patchouli alcohol, Vincristine
Phytochemical Patchouli alcohol
Drug Vincristine
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2C25] Lung cancer Investigative
Regulate Info Down-regulation Prominin-1 Expression
Result Patchouli alcohol induces G0 /G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in vincristine-resistant non-small cell lung cancer through ROS-mediated DNA damage
Combination Pair ID: 1037
Pair Name Shikonin, BEZ235
Phytochemical Shikonin
Drug BEZ235
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2C25] Lung cancer Investigative
Regulate Info Down-regulation Prominin-1 Expression
Result We found that low doses shikonin and dual PI3K-mTOR inhibitor (BEZ235) have a synergistic effect that inhibits the spheroid formation from chemoresistant lung cancer sublines. Inhibiting the proliferation of lung cancer stem cells is believed to reduce the recurrence of lung cancer; therefore, shikonin's anti-drug resistance and anti-cancer stem cell activities make it a highly interesting molecule for future combined lung cancer therapy.
Reversing Drug Resistance
Combination Pair ID: 820
Pair Name Curcumin, Irinotecan
Phytochemical Curcumin
Drug Irinotecan
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2B90] Colon cancer Investigative
Regulate Info Down-regulation Prominin-1 Expression
Result The present data demonstrated that curcumin attenuated resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs through induction of apoptosis of CSCs among colon cancer cells. These findings may provide novel evidence for the therapeutic application of curcumin in CRC intervention.
Combination Pair ID: 550
Pair Name Sulforaphane, Gefitinib
Phytochemical Sulforaphane
Drug Gefitinib
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2C25] Lung cancer Investigative
Regulate Info Down-regulation Prominin-1 Expression
Result The results of the present study demonstrated that SFN inhibits the proliferation of gefitinib-tolerant lung cancer cells via modulation of the SHH signaling pathway. Therefore, combined SFN and gefitinib therapy may be an effective approach for the treatment of lung cancer.
03. Reference
No. Title Href
1 Lupeol and Paclitaxel cooperate in hindering hypoxia induced vasculogenic mimicry via suppression of HIF-1α-EphA2-Laminin-5γ2 network in human oral cancer. J Cell Commun Signal. 2023 Sep;17(3):591-608. doi: 10.1007/s12079-022-00693-z. Click
2 Synergistic Anticancer Effect of a Combination of Berbamine and Arcyriaflavin A against Glioblastoma Stem-like Cells. Molecules. 2022 Nov 17;27(22):7968. doi: 10.3390/molecules27227968. Click
3 Patchouli alcohol induces G0 /G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in vincristine-resistant non-small cell lung cancer through ROS-mediated DNA damage. Thorac Cancer. 2023 Jul;14(21):2007-2017. doi: 10.1111/1759-7714.14982. Click
4 Attenuation of PI3K-Akt-mTOR Pathway to Reduce Cancer Stemness on Chemoresistant Lung Cancer Cells by Shikonin and Synergy with BEZ235 Inhibitor. Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Jan 3;25(1):616. doi: 10.3390/ijms25010616. Click
5 Curcumin attenuates resistance to irinotecan via induction of apoptosis of cancer stem cells in chemoresistant colon cancer cells. Int J Oncol. 2018 Sep;53(3):1343-1353. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2018.4461. Click
6 Sulforaphane reverses gefitinib tolerance in human lung cancer cells via modulation of sonic hedgehog signaling. Oncol Lett. 2018 Jan;15(1):109-114. doi: 10.3892/ol.2017.7293. Click
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