1. Search for Interactions Information for Phytochemicals in InterPAD
In the field of "Search for phytochemical", user can find phytochemical entries by searching
phytochemical name, target name, medicinal plant properties, disease name and so on among the entire
textual component of InterPAD. Query can be submitted by entering keywords into the main searching
frame. The resulting webpage displays profiles of all the phytochemicals directly related to the search
term, including phytochemical structure, phytochemical name, Highest Status, Disease and phytochemical
information link.
- If search: "Epigallocatechin gallate", finds only entry which with phytochemical name "
Epigallocatechin gallate";
- If search: "VEGFA", finds 54 entries with phytochemical names;
- If search: "Cool", finds 48 entries with phytochemical names;
- If search: "Colorectal cancer", finds 12 entries with phytochemical names;
- If search: "TOP1", finds 3 entries with phytochemical names;
For example, if you want to know the detail information of phytochemical, you can search
"Epigallocatechin gallate" in the "Search for Phytochemicals Entries" field.
Search result of the "Epigallocatechin gallate" shows the information of phytochemical structure,
phytochemical Name, PubChem CID, phytochemical Indication, Clinical Status, Interaction Partner, Source,
Target name and External buttons. The phytochemical button links to the detailed phytochemical
information page of Epigallocatechin gallate. The Interaction Partner button links to the detailed
Interaction information page of Epigallocatechin gallate.
If you want to know the detail information of phytochemical, which regulates "VEGFA", you can select
"VEGFA" in the " Search for Phytochemical by Regulated Molecule" field.
If you want to know the detail information of phytochemical, which relates to herbal properties "Cool",
you can select "Cool" in the "Search for Active Ingredient by Medicinal Plant Properties" field.
If you want to know the detail information of phytochemical, which used to treat "Colorectal cancer",
you can select "[ICD-11: 2B91]: Colorectal cancer" in the " Search for Phytochemicals by Disease" field.
If you want to know the detail information of phytochemical, which targets "TOP1", you can select
"TOP1" in the " Search for Phytochemicals by Target" field.
1.1 By clicking the "Phytochemical Name" button, the detailed phytochemical
information page for particular phytochemical will be displayed.
Take Epigallocatechin gallate as an example, "General Information of the phytochemical" section
displays the general information of Epigallocatechin gallate including its Name, PubChem CID, Molecular
weight, Formula, SMILES, InChI, InChIKey, CAS number, ChEBI ID, TTD ID, HERB ID, KEGG ID, Toxicity
Structure and External Link(s).
Medicinal plant information related to this phytochemical source, "Source Information of Phytochemical"
section highlighted in color after the medicinal plant name displays herbal natures (such as cold, hot,
warm, cool and even). Other medicinal plant information includes Chineses Pinyin, use part, habitat,
flavor, meridian tropism, classification (such as kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus,
Drug(s) whose efficacy can be enhanced by this phytochemical display the Drug(s) which combined by this
phytochemical and the disease indication of Interaction(s). The followings are specific combinatorial
therapeutic effect(s) and representative experiment report, including Pair Name, Partner Name, Disease
Info, Biological Phenomena, Gene Regulation, In Vitro Model, In Vivo Model, Experimental Result(s). Pair
Name button links to the detail information page with the interaction. Partner Name button links to the
detail information page with the drug. Molecule name button links to the detail information page with
the molecule. Moreover, signaling pathway button can be clicked to show the signaling pathway of this
Drug(s) whose resistance can be reversed by this phytochemical, Drug(s) whose toxicity can be decreased
by this phytochemical, Drug(s) whose toxicity can be increased by this phytochemical and Drug(s) whose
efficacy can be decreased by this phytochemical are the same as above.
1.2 By clicking the "Pair Name" button, the detailed drug interaction information
page for particular interaction will be displayed.
Take Doxorubicin as an example, "General Information of the Drug Interaction" section displays the
general information of Interaction including their Name, PubChem CID, 2D and 3D structures (downloadable
in standard SDF format), and External Link(s).
"Combinatorial Therapeutic Effect(s)" section displays Interactions which can be decreased drug
toxicity, which can be enhanced drug efficacy, which can be reversed drug resistance. The followings are
specific combinatorial therapeutic effect(s) and representative experiment report, including Pair Name,
Partner Name, Disease Info, Biological Phenomena, Gene Regulation, In Vitro Model, In Vivo Model,
Experimental Result(s). Pair Name button links to the detail information page with the interaction.
Partner Name button links to the detail information page with the drug. Molecule name button links to
the detail information page with the molecule. Moreover, signaling pathway button can be clicked to show
the signaling pathway of this interaction.
1.3 By clicking the "Target Name" button, the detailed target of phytochemical
information will be displayed.
2. Search for Interactions Information for Anticancer Drugs in InterPAD
In the field of "Search for anticancer drug", user can find anticancer drug entries by searching drug
name, disease name, molecule name, target name and so on among the entire textual component of InterPAD.
Query can be submitted by entering keywords into the main searching frame. The resulting webpage
displays profiles of all the drugs directly related to the search term, including Drug structure, Drug
name, Disease, Highest Status, PubChem CID, Interaction Partner, Drug Type, Target and Drug information
- If search "Gemcitabine", find a single entry which is named "Gemcitabine";
- If search: "HMOX1", finds 14 entries with drug names;
- If search: "Ovarian cancer", find 5 entries with drug names;
- If search: "RRM2", find a single entry which is named "Gemcitabine".
For example, if you want to know the detail information of drug, you can search "Gemcitabine" in the
"Search for Drug Entries" field.
Search result of the "Gemcitabine" shows the information of Drug structure, Drug Name, PubChem CID,
Drug Indication, Clinical Status, Interaction Partner, Drug Type, Target name and External buttons. The
Drug name button links to the detailed Drug information page of Gemcitabine. The Interaction Partner
button links to the detailed Interaction information page of Gemcitabine.
If you want to know the detail information of Drug, which regulates "HMOX1", you can select "HMOX1" in
the "Search for Anticancer Drug by Regulated Molecule" field.
If you want to know the detail information of Drug, which used to treat "Ovarian cancer", you can
select "[ICD-11: 2C73]: Ovarian cancer" in the "Search for Anticancer Drug by Disease" field.
If you want to know the detail information of Drug, which targets "RRM2", you can select "RRM2" in the
"Search for Anticancer Drug by Target" field.
2.1 By clicking the "Drug Name" button, the detailed drug information page for
particular drug will be displayed.
Take Gemcitabine as an example, "General Information of the Drug" section displays the general
information of Gemcitabine including its Name, PubChem CID, Molecular weight, Drug Type, Formula,
SMILES, InChI, InChIKey, CAS number, ChEBI ID, TTD ID, KEGG ID, Toxicity, Structure, and External
Enhance the efficacy of anticancer drug by this interaction displays the specific interaction effect
and experiment report. The followings are specific combinatorial therapeutic effect(s) and
representative experiment report, including Pair Name, Partner Name, Disease Info, Biological Phenomena,
Gene Regulation, In Vitro Model, In Vivo Model, Experimental Result(s). Pair Name button links to the
detail information page with the interaction. Partner Name button links to the detail information page
with the drug. Molecule name button links to the detail information page with the molecule. Moreover,
signaling pathway button can be clicked to show the signaling pathway of this interaction.
Reverse the resistance of drug by this interaction displays the specific interaction effect and
experiment report, as presented above.
2.2 By clicking the "Pair Name" button, the detailed drug interaction information
page for particular interaction will be displayed.
Take Beta-Sitosterol as an example, "General Information of the Drug Interaction" section displays the
general information of Interaction including their Name, PubChem CID, Toxicity, 2D and 3D structures
(downloadable in standard SDF format), and External Link(s).
"Combinatorial Therapeutic Effect(s)" section displays Interactions which can be decreased drug
toxicity, which can be enhanced drug efficacy. The followings are specific combinatorial therapeutic
effect(s) and representative experiment report, including Pair Name, Partner Name, Disease Info,
Biological Phenomena, Gene Regulation, In Vitro Model, In Vivo Model, Experimental Result(s). Pair Name
button links to the detail information page with the interaction. Partner Name button links to the
detail information page with the drug. Molecule name button links to the detail information page with
the molecule. Moreover, signaling pathway button can be clicked to show the signaling pathway of this
2.3 By clicking the "Target Name" button, the detailed target of anticancer drug
information will be displayed.
3. Search for Interactions Information in InterPAD
In the field of "Search for Drug Interaction", user can find drug entries by searching phytochemical
name, drug name, molecule name, interaction effect and so on among the entire textual component of
InterPAD. Query can be submitted by entering keywords into the main searching frame. The resulting
webpage displays profiles of all the interactions directly related to the search term, including
Interaction Pair, Interaction Effect, Disease, Highest Status and Interaction information link.
- If search: "Epigallocatechin gallate, Irinotecan", find a single entry which is named
"Epigallocatechin gallate, Irinotecan";
- If search: "Epigallocatechin gallate", find 11 drug interaction entries that interact with
epigallocatechin gallate;
- If search: "Gemcitabine", find 62 phytochemical interaction entries that interact with
- If search: "RRM2", find a single entry which is named "Gemcitabine";
- If search: "Synergistic Effect: Decreasing Drug Toxicity", find 82 entries which were named
"Synergistic Effect: Decreasing Drug Toxicity";
For example, if you want to know the detail information of drug interaction, you can select
"Epigallocatechin gallate, Irinotecan" pair in the "Search for Interaction" field.
Search result of the "Epigallocatechin gallate, Irinotecan" shows the information of Pair Name,
Interaction Effect, Disease Indication, Clinical Status, Interaction Partner, and External buttons. The
Pair Name button links to the detailed Pair Name information page of Epigallocatechin gallate,
Irinotecan. The Interaction Partner button links to the detailed Interaction information page of
Epigallocatechin gallate or Irinotecan, respectively.
If you want to know the detail information of drug interaction, you can select "Epigallocatechin
gallate" in the "Search for Interaction by Phytochemical" field.
If you want to know the detail information of drug interaction, you can select "Gemcitabine" in the
"Search for Interaction by based on Drug" field.
If you want to know the detail information of drug interaction, which regulates "HMOX1", you can select
"HMOX1" in the " Search for Interaction by Regulated Molecule" field.
If you want to know the detail information of drug interaction, you can select "Synergistic Effect:
Decreasing Drug Toxicity" in the "Search for Interaction by Effect" field.
3.1 By clicking the "Pair Name" button, the detailed pair information page for
particular Drug Interaction will be displayed.
Take Epigallocatechin gallate, Irinotecan as an example, "General Information of the Pair" section
displays the general information of pair including their Name, PubChem CID, 2D and 3D Structure, and
External Link(s).
Decrease the toxicity of anticancer drug by this interaction displays the specific interaction effect
and experiment report. Using "Artesunate, Fluorouracil" as an example, based on the theory of cold and
heat, this theory was fully applied to anticancer drugs, and appropriate medicinal plants were selected
within the guidelines to enhance the efficacy of this interaction and decrease the toxicity of
fluorouracil. The followings are specific combinatorial therapeutic effect(s) and representative
experiment report, including Pair Name, Partner Name, Disease Info, Biological Phenomena, Gene
Regulation, In Vitro Model, In Vivo Model, Experimental Result. Molecule name button links to the detail
information page with the molecule. Moreover, signaling pathway button can be clicked to show the
signaling pathway of this interaction.
Enhance the efficacy of anticancer drug by this interaction displays the specific interaction effect
and experiment report, and reduce the efficacy of drug by this interaction display the specific
interaction effect and experiment report are the same as above.
3.2 By clicking the "Interaction Partner" button, the detailed drug interaction
information page for particular interaction will be displayed.
Take Epigallocatechin gallate as an example, "General Information of the phytochemical" section
displays the general information of Epigallocatechin gallate including its Name, PubChem CID, Molecular
weight, Formula, SMILES, InChI, InChIKey, CAS number, ChEBI ID, TTD ID, HERB ID, KEGG ID, Toxicity,
Structure and External Link(s).
Medicinal plant information related to this phytochemical source, "Source Information of Phytochemical"
section highlighted in color after the medicinal plant name displays herbal natures (such as cold, hot,
warm, cool and even). Other medicinal plant information includes Chineses Pinyin, use part, habitat,
flavor, meridian tropism, classification (such as kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus,
Drug(s) whose efficacy can be enhanced by this phytochemical display the Drug(s) which combined by this
phytochemical and the disease indication of Interaction(s). The followings are specific combinatorial
therapeutic effect(s) and representative experiment report, including Pair Name, Partner Name, Disease
Info, Biological Phenomena, Gene Regulation, In Vitro Model, In Vivo Model, Experimental Result(s). Pair
Name button links to the detail information page with the interaction. Partner Name button links to the
detail information page with the drug. Molecule name button links to the detail information page with
the molecule. Moreover, signaling pathway button can be clicked to show the signaling pathway of this
Drug(s) whose resistance can be reversed by this phytochemical, Drug(s) whose toxicity can be decreased
by this phytochemical, Drug(s) whose toxicity can be increased by this phytochemical and Drug(s) whose
efficacy can be decreased by this phytochemical are the same as above.
3.3 By clicking the "Interaction Partner" button, the detailed drug interaction
information page for particular interaction will be displayed.
Take Irinotecan as an example, "General Information of the Drug" section displays the general
information of Irinotecan including its Name, PubChem CID, Molecular weight, Drug Type, Formula, SMILES,
InChI, InChIKey, CAS number, ChEMBL ID, ChEBI ID, TTD ID, KEGG ID, Structure and External Link(s).
Enhance the efficacy of anticancer drug by this interaction displays the specific interaction effect
and experiment report. The followings are specific combinatorial therapeutic effect(s) and
representative experiment report, including Pair Name, Partner Name, Disease Info, Biological Phenomena,
Gene Regulation, In Vitro Model, In Vivo Model, Experimental Result. Pair Name button links to the
detail information page with the interaction. Partner Name button links to the detail information page
with the drug. Molecule name button links to the detail information page with the molecule. Moreover,
signaling pathway button can be clicked to show the signaling pathway of this interaction.
Reverse the resistance of anticancer drug by this interaction displays the specific interaction effect
and experiment report, and reduce drug efficacy of anticancer drug by this Interaction display the
specific interaction effect and experiment report are the same as above.
4. Search for Interactions Information for Diseases in InterPAD
In the field of "Search for Disease", user can find drug combination entries, anticancer drug entries
or phytochemical entries by selecting disease. The resulting webpage displays profiles of all the result
directly related to the search term. ICD has been developed by the World Health Organization (WHO),
sponsored by the United Nations, adopted by >110 countries and used by physicians, researchers, nurses,
health workers, health information managers, policy makers, insurers and health program managers for
defining and studying diseases, monitoring and managing health care and allocating resources.
For example, if you want to know the detail information of drug interaction, which used to treat
"Colorectal cancer", you can select "[ICD-11: 2B91]: Colorectal cancer" in the "Search for Interactions
by Disease" field.
The diagram shows interactions between diseases, phytochemicals and drugs, and the user can click on
any shape according to their interest to view detailed information under that entry.
Search result of the "Colorectal cancer" shows the information of Disease Name, Disease ICD, Disease
Class, Pair Name, Interaction Effect, Interaction Partner, and External buttons. The Pair Name button
links to the detailed Pair Name information page of Baicalin, Fluorouracil. The Interaction Partner
button links to the detailed Interaction information page of Baicalin or Fluorouracil, respectively.
If you want to know the detail information of phytochemical, which used to treat "Colorectal cancer",
you can select "[ICD-11: 2B91]: Colorectal cancer" in the "Search for Phytochemical by Disease" field.
If you want to know the detail information of anticancer drug, which used to treat "Colorectal cancer",
you can select "[ICD-11: 2B91]: Colorectal cancer" in the "Search for Drug by Disease" field.
4.1 By clicking the "Pair Name" button, the detailed pair information page for
particular Drug Interaction will be displayed.
Take "Baicalin, Fluorouracil" as an example, "General Information of the Pair" section displays the
general information of pair including their Name, PubChem CID, 2D and 3D Structure, and External
Enhance the efficacy of anticancer drug by this interaction displays the specific interaction effect
and experiment report. The followings are specific combinatorial therapeutic effect(s) and
representative experiment report, including Pair Name, Partner Name, Disease Info, Biological Phenomena,
Gene Regulation, In Vitro Model, In Vivo Model, Experimental Result. Molecule name button links to the
detail information page with the molecule. Moreover, signaling pathway button can be clicked to show the
signaling pathway of this interaction.
4.2 By clicking the "Interaction Partner" button, the detailed drug interaction
information page for particular interaction will be displayed.
Take Baicalin as an example, "General Information of the phytochemical" section displays the general
information of Baicalin including its Name, PubChem CID, Molecular weight, Formula, SMILES, InChI,
InChIKey, CAS number, ChEBI ID, TTD ID, HERB ID, KEGG ID, Toxicity, Structure and External Link(s).
Medicinal plant information related to this phytochemical source, "Source Information of Phytochemical"
section highlighted in color after the medicinal plant name displays herbal natures (such as cold, hot,
warm, cool and even). Other medicinal plant information includes Chineses Pinyin, use part, habitat,
flavor, meridian tropism, classification (such as kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus,
Drug(s) whose efficacy can be enhanced by this phytochemical display the Drug(s) which combined by this
phytochemical and the disease indication of Interaction(s). The followings are specific combinatorial
therapeutic effect(s) and representative experiment report, including Pair Name, Partner Name, Disease
Info, Biological Phenomena, Gene Regulation, In Vitro Model, In Vivo Model, Experimental Result(s). Pair
Name button links to the detail information page with the interaction. Partner Name button links to the
detail information page with the drug. Molecule name button links to the detail information page with
the molecule. Moreover, signaling pathway button can be clicked to show the signaling pathway of this
4.3 By clicking the "Interaction Partner" button, the detailed drug interaction
information page for particular interaction will be displayed.
Take Fluorouracil as an example, "General Information of the Drug" section displays the general
information of Irinotecan including its Name, PubChem CID, Molecular weight, Drug Type, Formula, SMILES,
InChI, InChIKey, CAS number, ChEMBL ID, ChEBI ID, TTD ID, KEGG ID, Toxicity, Structure, and External
Enhance the efficacy of anticancer drug by this interaction displays the specific interaction effect
and experiment report. The followings are specific combinatorial therapeutic effect(s) and
representative experiment report, including Pair Name, Partner Name, Disease Info, Biological Phenomena,
Gene Regulation, In Vitro Model, In Vivo Model, Experimental Result. Pair Name button links to the
detail information page with the interaction. Partner Name button links to the detail information page
with the drug. Molecule name button links to the detail information page with the molecule. Moreover,
signaling pathway button can be clicked to show the signaling pathway of this interaction.
Reverse the resistance of anticancer drug by this interaction displays the specific interaction effect
and experiment report, and reduce drug efficacy of anticancer drug by this interaction displays the
specific interaction effect and experiment report are the same as above.
5. Search for Interactions Information for Regulated Molecules in InterPAD
In the field of "Search for Molecule Entries", user can find molecule entries by searching molecule
name or gene name among the entire textual component of InterPAD. Query can be submitted by entering
keywords into the main searching frame. The resulting webpage displays profiles of all the molecules
directly related to the search term, including Molecule name, Gene Name, Protein Name, UniProt ID,
Family, Synonyms, information.
- If search "STAT3", find a single entry which is named "STAT3";
- If search: "Epigallocatechin gallate, Irinotecan", finds 10 entries with Gene names including
"MAP1LC3B" or "BCL2" etc;
- If search: "Epigallocatechin gallate ", finds 49 entries with regulated molecule names including
"AKT1" or "BIRC5" etc;
- If search: "Gemcitabine", finds 98 entries with regulated molecule names including "MAP1LC3B" or
"ABCB1" etc;
For example, if you want to know the detail information of InterPAD for STAT3, you can search "STAT3"
in the "Search for Molecule Entries" field.
Search result of the "STAT3" shows the information of Molecule name, Gene Name, Protein Name, UniProt
ID, Family, Synonyms, and External buttons. The Gene Name button links to the detailed Gene Name
information page of STAT3. The UniProt ID button links to the detailed Interaction information page of
If you want to know the molecule detail information of drug interaction, you can select
"Epigallocatechin gallate, Irinotecan" in the "Search for Molecule Regulated by Drug Interaction" field.
If you want to know the molecule detail information of phytochemical, you can select "Epigallocatechin
gallate" in the "Search for Molecule Regulated by Phytochemical" field.
If you want to know the molecule detail information of drug, you can select " Gemcitabine" in the
"Search for Molecule Regulated by Anticancer Drug" field.
5.1 By clicking the "Gene Name" button, the detailed molecule information page for
particular molecule will be displayed.
Take STAT3 as an example, "General Information of the Pair" section displays the general information of
the molecule including their Name, UniProt ID, Gene Name, Gene ID, Synonyms, Sequece, Pathway Map, T.C.
Number, KEGG ID, TTD ID, and External Link(s).
A list of drug interaction (Decreasing Drug Toxicity) able to regulate this molecule display the
specific interaction effect and experiment report. The followings are specific combinatorial therapeutic
effect(s) and representative experiment report, including Pair Name, Phytochemical Name, Anticancer drug
Name, Disease Info, Regulate Info, Experimental Result. Phytochemical Name button links to the detail
information page with the phytochemical. Anticancer drug Name button links to the detail information
page with the anticancer drug.
A list of drug interaction (Enhancing Drug Efficacy) able to regulate this molecule display the
specific interaction effect and experiment report, and A list of drug interaction (Reversing Drug
Resistance) able to regulate this molecule display the specific interaction effect and experiment report
are the same as above.