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Drug Interaction Details
01. General Information
Pair Name Crocin, Cisplatin
Phytochemical Name Crocin (PubChem CID: 5281233 )
Anticancer drug Name Cisplatin (PubChem CID: 5702198 )
Structure of
Structure of
Anticancer Drug
02. Combinatorial Therapeutic Effect(s)
Synergistic Effect
Decreasing Drug Toxicity
The theory of cold and heat
Drug Name Cisplatin
Adverse Reactions Myelosuppression, dry mouth and throat, fever, dry stools. This was inferred hot nature anticancer drug.
Recommendations Cold: Anemarrhena asphodeloides; Urena lobataL; Artemisia scoparia; Swertia mussotii; Swertia pseudochinensis; Gentiana manshurica; Gossampinus malabarica; Pyrrosia sheareri; Pyrrosia sheareri; Iris domestica; Gentiana scabra; Pyrrosia sheareri; Pyrrosia petiolosa
Reference ADReCS-Target: target profiles for aiding drug safety research and application. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 Jan 4;46(D1):D911-D917. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx899.  ref_link
Combination Pair ID: 242
Pair Name Crocin, Cisplatin
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2B66.0] Oral squamous cell carcinoma Investigative
Biological Phenomena Induction-->Apoptosis
In Vitro Model HN-5 Tongue squamous cell carcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_8128
Result Evaluation of apoptotic effect of crocin, cisplatin, and their combination in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line HN5
Enhancing Drug Efficacy
Combination Pair ID: 738
Pair Name Crocin, Cisplatin
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2B72] Gastric cancer Investigative
Biological Phenomena Inhibition-->Epithelial-mesenchymal transition
Gene Regulation Up-regulation Expression FGFR3 hsa2261
In Vitro Model AGS Gastric adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0139
In Vivo Model Conducted subcutaneous tumorigenesis experiments in nude mice to evaluate the effects of crocin and DDP on the progression of GC xenografts in vivo.
Result Our results showed that up-regulation of FGFR3 reversed the inhibitory effect of crocin+DDP on the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway. Still, this effect could be counteracted by PD184352, which simultaneously regulated the proliferation, apoptosis, and EMT of AGS cells. In conclusion, crocin, combined with DDP, inhibits proliferation, apoptosis, and EMT of GC through the FRFR3/MAPK/ERK pathway.
03. Reference
No. Title Href
1 Evaluation of apoptotic effect of crocin, cisplatin, and their combination in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line HN5. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2021 Aug 18;18:70. Click
2 Crocin Combined With Cisplatin Regulates Proliferation, Apoptosis And Emt Of Gastric Cancer Cells Via The Fgfr3/Mapk/Erk Pathway In Vitro And In Vivo. Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2023 Sep 15. doi: 10.2174/1568009624666230915111239. Click
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